Achieving Wellness with Physiotherapy

Achieving Wellness with Physiotherapy

How you can achieve wellness with Physiotherapy  While being healthy has always been promoted in society, in recent years, the shift towards wellbeing has been increasing. While the two concepts seem similar, there are some subtle differences between the two. ...
5 Reasons to Stay Active

5 Reasons to Stay Active

At Active Health you’ll be welcomed by our multidisciplinary team of experts ready to help you exceed your goals

The benefits of keeping active may seem obvious, yet it can’t hurt to be reminded of the many ways exercise can improve your life. Here are a few of our favourite reasons to get moving. 

What is the Best Verruca Treatment?

Verruca are a very common complaint that we would see in the clinic almost every day.  Normally, when a patient books an appointment for a verruca treatment, they have tried treating the lesion themselves by using over the counter products they have bought in their...
What Should I Do When My Back “Goes”?

What Should I Do When My Back “Goes”?

If you have ever had sudden back pain you know that it can bring you to your knees pretty quickly! The overriding instinct is to not move and hope the pain goes away….BUT this is NOT what will get you back on your feet quickly.  What you do in those first few...