Are you taking part in our 12 Days of Fitmas Steps Challenge this year?
Not sure how to keep a track of how many steps you’ve done each day?
Don’t worry – we’re here to help!
Read on for three options to help you keep track!
Use your Smart Phone
Well, if you have a smart phone (iPhone or Android) – it may already be doing it for you! – Have a read of this article which lets you know all about how to check your progress!
Use a Pedometer
You can also buy a small pedometer device online for less than £10 (here are some I found on that large, online warehouse site you may have heard of…)
If you’d prefer to walk in and have a look at what you’re buying then check out the selction at a number of high street stores here… (I’ve linked them below along with an idea of budget)
Decathlon – a couple under £20
Curry’s – 7 under £39.99 including a few under £20
Sports Direct – one pedometer under £10.00
whatever you do, please note these are only products we’ve found online and we haven’t tested them – please do research them yourselves and let us know if you find something brilliant!
We found this helpful page where you can calculate steps from distance and vice versa (and a lot more!)
Have you signed up yet? find out more and sign up for our festive fundraiser here!