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Are you taking part in our 12 Days of Fitmas Steps Challenge this year?

Not sure how to keep a track of how many steps you’ve done each day?

Don’t worry – we’re here to help!
Read on for three options to help you keep track!

Use your Smart Phone
Well, if you have a smart phone (iPhone or Android) – it may already be doing it for you! – Have a read of this article which lets you know all about how to check your progress!

Use a Pedometer
You can also buy a small pedometer device online for less than £10 (here are some I found on that large, online warehouse site you may have heard of…)

If you’d prefer to walk in and have a look at what you’re buying then check out the selction at a number of high street stores here… (I’ve linked them below along with an idea of budget)
Decathlon – a couple under £20 
Curry’s  – 7 under £39.99 including a few under £20
Sports Direct – one pedometer under £10.00

whatever you do, please note these are only products we’ve found online and we haven’t tested them – please do research them yourselves and let us know if you find something brilliant!

We found this helpful page where you can calculate steps from distance and vice versa (and a lot more!)

Have you signed up yet? find out more and sign up for our festive fundraiser here!


graphic image detailing different ways to track steps

Can't take part?

Don’t worry if the step challenge isn’t for you! You can still support Aware NI’s fantastic work by donating here – thank you so much!