
Headaches afflicts most people at some point in their lives, but for some of us the throbbing, searing, blinding pain can be a daily occurrence, one which destroys family time, social activities, and general happiness. Here at Active Health+, we understand how headaches can overwhelm you.

Take a look below for ways to tackle your headaches:
You’ve experienced chronic headaches for so long that you’ve just accepted its part of who you are. It isn’t.
You’ve turned to YouTube, Google, or family and friends for answers, yet things are only getting more and more confusing.
You’ve taken painkillers in the hope that things will get better, yet now you feel worse and the prescriptions seem to be getting stronger by the week.
You’ve tried resting, lying in the dark, and waiting for things to pass, yet life goes on without you. Things have to change.
You’ve tried herbal remedies, drinks, and shakes in the hope that they may make a difference. Nothing much has improved.
You’ve given up on listening to music, watching TV, or going to the movies just in the hope that avoiding noise and screens would help. It hasn’t.
You’ve stopped reading, socializing, or being active in the fear that it might trigger a headache.
If you’ve experienced any/all of the above, we invite you to give us a call, right now, to find out how we can help you. We know that headaches seriously affect the quality of your life, steal time with your children and partner, and make you avoid social situations – we don’t want this for you.
We want your mood to improve, your pain to be a thing of the past, and your life to be full of joy. Call us today – the call is entirely free and with no risk or obligation to you in any way. Chatting to one of our professional, qualified, friendly physiotherapists will give you the tools to take action against your headaches. We want to help and we cannot wait to hear from you.
We know that the daily, ongoing battle against debilitating pain is one which can steal your joy and your energy. For these reasons, treating headaches is one of our main goals at the clinic.
It’s a cause very close to our hearts, and for the countless patients who come in to see us with headaches, one thing always remains a constant worry for them: what caused it, and how can the patient be free of the pain.
These are such important questions and we love being able to help our patients find the answers. The truth is, headaches are a culmination of various things, from muscle tension all the way through to stress, hormonal shifts, light sensitivity, sound sensitivity, and emotional upheaval. They also come in various forms, from cluster headaches all the way through to migraines.
At the end of the day, though, the chronic, daily struggle with headaches is anything but simple to deal with, and that’s why we know you need answers.

For many of our patients, headaches affect every single part of the day: work is affected, family life is disrupted, and they can hardly get enough sleep to overcome the next day’s pain. The problem is that headaches are unique in that there is often no way to escape them. They seem to be ever-present, and over a duration of time the patient loses hope and becomes ever more depressed.
It is in this atmosphere of desperation that she tries her best to find solutions. Unfortunately, the actions many of our patients take before coming to see us are actually detrimental to their overall health and do very little to help with the headaches.
One of the most common ways people try to control headaches is by taking painkillers. This seems an obvious route: the pain is preventing you from functioning on a day-to-day basis, so stopping the pain would solve the issue. Sadly, painkillers actually do very little to fix the problem.
In reality, they mask the root cause of the problem, thereby increasing the intensity of the headache once their effects wear off. Not only that, the patient never really figures out why she has the headaches in the first place, thus she sets herself up for the exact struggle again tomorrow.
In sheer desperation, then, many people also turn to outside sources of information such as Google, YouTube, or even family and friends. Such a large amount of conflicting information is actually counterintuitive, as many people struggle to figure out what to do, when to do it, or even how to start. Often, then, they just give up and hope the headaches will just disappear on their own.
You may be reading this and thinking that you, yourself, have been waiting for your headaches to disappear, yet to no avail. Perhaps you are taking painkillers and have been overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information that really doesn’t ever actually speak directly to your specific problem.
We here at Active Health+ understand how frustrating this can be, so we want to make it clear that there is hope for you. We can help.
At this point, it’s clear that something has to change. If you’re suffering from chronic headaches, yet haven’t taken any effective actions against them, then we urge you to make a change, right now. There is a way to overcome your day struggle.
Take a look below for ways to tackle your headaches:
Relax. Now, this may seem a lot easier said than done, especially if you’re constantly under the stress of a daily headache. But, relaxing may actually give you the tools to tackle the debilitating effects of the pain. Why not try some yoga? Yoga is a great exercise for headaches since it stretches the neck and back muscles and helps relieves your daily stress, the presence of which may increase the intensity and duration of your headaches. Doing yoga for 15 minutes a day may dramatically reduce your headaches over time. In addition, try relaxing breathing techniques and/or meditation for an even more calming experience.
Drink enough water. Getting enough fluid into your body is an absolutely vital part of your journey to a pain-free life. All too often chronic headaches can be the product of chronic dehydration, that is, of the body’s constant lack of water. Drinking caffeinated drinks such as Cola or coffee may actually increase dehydration, since both are diuretics, meaning you urinate more often. Not only that, caffeine is also known to aggravate headaches. So, cutting back on caffeine and increasing your water intake will make a massive difference in the intensity and frequency of your headaches. Try drinking at least 2L of water a day, if not a little bit more.
Visit a Specialist Headache Physiotherapist: The truth is, physiotherapy is the most effective way of overcoming your chronic headaches. The reason for this is because physiotherapy diagnoses and treats the root cause of the problem, thereby allowing you to overcome your headaches permanently. Unlike painkillers and other treatments, physiotherapy sees to it that your personal problem is dealt with; hands-on treatment ensures that your exact issue is tackled, thus giving you the answers you so desperately seek. And not only that, physiotherapy also equips you with stretches and exercises which you can do at home, therefore giving you the tools to maintain a pain-free life. Physiotherapy isn’t a temporary solution to your problem: it is a permanent, safe, effective answer to the chronic, debilitating daily pain you’ve been suffering.

If you’re ready to change your life and to get the answers for the questions you’ve been asking for months, then we invite you to book a free Discovery Session with us today. A Discovery Session with one of our caring, qualified, dedicated physiotherapists is entirely risk free, and there is absolutely no obligation. We’re committed to helping you, and we want to give you the life you dream of – one which is pain-free, active, and full of joy.
We understand that, in the lieu of the disappointment of some of the treatments you’ve tried in the past, physiotherapy might seem daunting. And that’s exactly why we offer this Discovery Session. It’s designed to diagnose the root cause of your problem, give you the answers you desperately need, and to relieve your pain. We want to give you the tools to take the best, most effective possible action against your debilitating headache, and that’s why sincerely invite you to come in and see us. We look forward to helping you, right now.
Here at Active Health+, we know that the biggest issue when it comes to dealing with headaches is that most people just have no idea where to start. In other words, they just don’t know why they have these headaches and they’ve never really been given any real, effective advice, let alone a proper diagnoses as to the cause of their pain. We also know that this is heartbreaking, and that’s why we want to help.
How will coming to see a headache specialist at active health+ help me get rid of my headaches?
We will give you the answers you need.
We will diagnose and treat the root cause of the problem, therefore relieving you of your pain – permanently.
We will get you off of the painkillers which are destroying your health and aggravating your headaches.
We will help stabilize your mood by relieving the pain and giving you back your joy.
We will ensure that you are giving personalized, tailor-made stretches and exercises which will help jumpstart your journey to a pain-free life, as well as give you the tools to maintain it.
We will reduce light sensitivity and help you overcome the adverse effects.
We will reduce your sensitivity to smells, therefore allowing you approach social situations with confidence.
We will reduce your dizziness.
We will eradicate the nausea associated with your headaches.
We will give you back your quality of life: time with family, friends, exercise, reading time, screen time, and general daily activities.

Our goal is to help you access the pain-free life we know you long for. The team at Active Health+ is dedicated to helping you get back the time you’ve lost with family and friends, and your quality of life is our main concern. We want to help you overcome your chronic, debilitating headaches, and we genuinely want to give you the tools to maintain a pain-free life.
If you’re interested in living the pain-free life you dream of, then we urge you to contact us, right now. Click the link below for information about costs and availability. We look forward to hearing from you, and we cannot wait to help you overcome your daily struggle with devastating pain.
Discover the Most Surprising Ways to Fight Headaches without Painkillers