Expert Tips to Prevent and Recover from Golf Injuries
Active Health has a team of specialist golf physios; helping you to Play better, stronger, and for longer
Active Health+ is a thriving local practice which offers World Class Physiotherapy and Supportive Services. The team of practitioners is well experienced in working with golfers of all ages and abilities, to get them playing better, feeling stronger and playing for longer.
The team at Active Health has designed a range of bespoke Physiotherapy, Pilates and Sports Therapy content specifically to help improve your game.
Active Health also provides class and exercise programmes aimed at mobilising and strengthening in order to help you play better, pain free and for longer.
Active Health+ has years of experience working with golf-related injuries such as back pain, shoulder instability, golfer’s elbow and more: we will work with you to identify the issue, treat it, recover and give you the tools to ensure it doesn’t recur. For those who haven’t experienced injuries, we’re here to provide support to make sure you avoid it in the long term, whatever level you play at!
Paul Gray, Manager at Blackwood Golf Centre said:
“At Blackwood we are always looking for ways to add value to our membership and we are delighted to have such an aligned partner in Active Health. Injuries can keep golfers out of the game for extended periods and often end their golfing lives early.
Through a range of preventative and treatment therapies it can be possible to spend more time on the golf course and less sitting on the side lines. Active Health is a progressive health partner that can support our members in their active lives.
Blackwood Members can avail themselves of discount on treatments and benefit from programs such as Physiotherapy, Sports Massage and a range of bespoke offers throughout the year.”
Did you know?
Blackwood Season Card Holders and Bangor Golf Club Members get discounted physiotherapy treatment and massage here at Active Health in Bangor and Holywood! If you’re a Season Card Holder, choose your service below and don’t forget to bring your Season/ Membership Card/ ID when you come for your appointment!
Bring more power and control to your golf game with our new Pilates for Golf class.
Golf and Pilates share many of the same fundamentals such as breathing, concentration and repeated movement patterns. Emphasis on spinal flexibility, rotation and stability means that all players can gain a lot from this practice. This class will use a specific mix of regular Mat Pilates exercises designed to focus on golf related areas such as dynamic ankle mobility, hip joint range, torso rotation and side flexion as well as shoulder mobility to assist with all areas of your golf game.
Not forgetting that Pilates can help with injury prevention and injury recovery, Pilates for golf will help build a stronger core which in turn will increase your power for a better swing.
Whether you are a new or experience golfer, Pilates could be the answer to improving your performance, preventing injury and assist with your overall flexibility and mobility.
Active Health Golf Warmup Video
If you’ve time, do the full 4 min warmup or if not, why not pick the area(s) you find are most in need and concentrate on those?
Active Health Golf Cooldown Video
For best results, try and do these exercises within half an hour of completing your golf session. A Sports Massage can also help – find out more here.
Exercise Downloads
Below you will soon find a range of PDFs available to download which will offer help for common golfing injuries; injury prevention, mobility for golfers and recovery from golf related pain such as neck pain, shoulder pain, backache, golfer’s elbow and knee problems.

Did you know? Reformer Pilates can help improve your Golf Game!
“I think a pilates reformer is a more effective way of increasing flexibility, strength and stability for golf than traditional free weights, machines and static stretches,” Karen Palacios-Jansen in Golf Digest Magazine